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Trenton Transit Center Connection Initiative

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An Initiative is a coordinated effort designed to achieve a Goal. Initiatives contain Actions that, when executed together, will help the City achieve one or more of its Goals.

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The Trenton Transit Center feels disconnected from downtown, due in part to the barrier created by US Route 1. The Transit Center is an exceptional amenity, offering AMTRAK, NJ TRANSIT rail and River Line light rail, and SEPTA rail service. Although a number of NJ TRANSIT bus routes also converge on the Transit Center, there is no designated central Bus Station and it may not be clear to visitors how local bus service interfaces with the Transit Center. The City of Trenton should improve the Trenton Transit Center’s connection to the downtown through wayfinding and improvements to the pedestrian environment. Conceptual plans to connect the Transit Center to Downtown were previously developed as part of the Trenton Station Linkage Plan (2006). Pedestrian plazas and bus waiting areas in front of the station should be carefully designed. Moreover, the City should examine parking in the area and implement any recommendations identified in the Downtown Parking Plan.
The City should study extending Market Street northward to State Street, giving the Trenton Transit Center a Market Street address. This will enhance the prominence of this corridor and the station. The Assunpink Creek Greenway will run along the Market Street corridor, providing a high-quality bicycle and pedestrian facility. The Great Connector Greenway (See Great Connector Greenway Project) will offer another bicycle and pedestrian connection close to the station. The City should plan for these two Greenways to intersect at Market Street. As the Great Connector Greenway crosses State Street, the pedestrian environment should be park-like, with wayfinding pointing towards Market Street and the Transit Center.
The connection between the Station and the Downtown is wanting: though a number of NJ TRANSIT buses connect the Transit Center to State Street, there is no primary route to make this connection and the routes are not abundantly clear. An extension of the River Line to the Capitol Complex has been suggested to remedy this issue, and Trentonians recognize the importance of expanding a high-quality transit service further west with a desire to connect to the Trenton-Mercer Airport (TTN).
This initiative supports the Trenton Transit Center Transit-Oriented Development : improved connectivity to the station will enhance the market appeal of these parcels. Conversely, developing parcels adjacent to the station will require that it is better connected to the rest of the City.

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